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Friday, April 26, 2013

The uttered word - victims

A great deal is mentioned in the Media  about victims and victimization of  Muslims at the hands of the the West,  largely due to political agendas, rather religious agendas.

The 20th century flip side is:

Middle- East /Turkey

1900- 1920
Massacre of Armenian civilians from 1900 onwards.  Spaghanak
1903 pogroms / massacre of 170Baha'i s in Persia
1904 7500 Armenians killed in Sassun.
1908 30000 Armenians killed in Adana.
1909 : pogroms - Kermanshah (Iran)
1909 another 30000 Armenians killed in Cilicia  & more in Adana, along with Americans.
1912 massacre of Christians in Thrace ( followed by expulsions in 1914).
1914 killing of Nestorians in Iraq  (12000 in august) and massacre of Greeks in Foca.
1915 massacre of Armenians throughout Anatolia and beyond. 12000 Armenians soldiers alone were killed in June.
1915 another 250000 Assyrians killed in Iraq. 800 in Salamas.

1918 150 Assyrians murdered including the patriarch. Another 700 killed in Khoi.
1920 massacre of Armenians in Cilicia

1965 pogrom in Aden

1969 execution of Jews in Baghdad
 1975 4 killed in Lebanon

 1921 - 1950

1921 massacre of Greeks in Samsun.
1922 Christian massacre in Smyrne.

 1932 massacre of Assyrians in Iraq
1933 massacre of Nestorians in Iraq.
1933 massacre of Chaldeans in Iraq. (1000)
1937 massacre of Christians in Syria
1941 170 Jews killed in Baghdad

 1944 3 Bahais killed in Sharrud

1947130 dead in pogroms in Libya
1947 100 dead in pogroms in Aden
1949 pogroms in Syria
1950 - 1980

1957 7 Baha'is killed in yazd
1958 pogrom in Aden
1961 pogrom in Turkey
 1976 massacre of Christians in Lebanon  (over 600)
1977 347 Christians massacred in Lebanon
 1978 massacre of Alevis at Marash Turkey
1979 200 Baha'is executed in Iran
1980 7 Baha'is executed in YZad

The Caucasus /Central Asia
1918 15000 Armenians killed in Baku

1927 killing of Muslim women for taking off veils (300) in Turkmenistan.

North Africa
 1934/ 1935 pogroms in Constantine, Algeria
1945 pogroms in Libya
1948 pogroms in Libya , morocco
1948 killing of Jews by Egyptian Muslim brotherhood
1952 anti Jewish and anti Christian pogroms in Suez
1967 pogroms in Tunisia and Libya

The Balkans
1941 Christian massacre at Koritska Jama, Bosnia (Handzar and Kama SS Divisions)1941- 1944 massacre of Christian orthodox in Bosnia by Handzar and Kama SS Divisions
1941- 1944 killing of Bosnian Jews, ( 12,000)
1941- 1944  Kosovo Jewish deportation to concentration camps by SS “Skanderbeg". Over 600 Jews perish.
July 1994 Over 400 Serbs killed by SS “Skanderbeg"


1964 massacre of Chinese in Indonesia ( 200 -600000)
 1971 over 100000 massacred in East Pakistan ( Bangladesh)

1975 200000 Christian killed in the invasion of East Timor
1976 over 30 killed in Philippines

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