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Monday, May 6, 2013

A mosque is a command & control centre

Mmasājid in Arabic. Derived from the word sajada, meaning "to bow down in prayer".

It is a place of submission.  It is a command centre for the imam of a community, as it is not just a location in which to pray, it is an educational, information, community, legal and social centre as well.   It goes much further in scope than a church or a temple. 

Very often, you will hear comments from non-Muslims, questioning the location of a proposed mosque, as the area has few Muslims in it.   Here is a blinding example:

The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem has a large mosque just across from it on Manger Square, constructed in a town which at the time was 80 percent Christian. 

It is not by chance that very often, mosques are proposed and built in order to project an image of dominance & power.  Don't assume that someone or a group wants a mosque to cater for the needs of the pious Muslims.  Mosques are proposed, built in even if there are not many Muslims in the area that would actually use it on a regular basis.  The message conveyed is one of politics not religion! They are status symbols in the literal sense, given the inclusion of (usually tall) minarets, as clearly mentioned in this section:

Its towering minaret, which has purposely been designed to change to change the suburb's skyline by being taller than any church steeple in the neighborhood, is supposed to become the "new symbol of Islam in France."

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