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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Muslims in the West

PEW research from 2007 showed that:

 47% of US Muslims interviewd think themself as Muslim first. In the UK, the figure is 81%, in France it is 46%, Spain 69%  and in Germany it is 66%.  (see page 3 of report)
  •  These are the principal findings of a nationwide survey of 1,050 Muslim adults living in the United States.
  • The survey finds that roughly two-thirds (65%) of adult Muslims living in the United States were born elsewhere, and 39% have come to the U.S. since 1990. 
  •  Among native-born Muslims, slightly more than half are African American (20% of U.S. Muslims overall), many of whom are converts to Islam. 
  •  The poll reveals that Muslims in the United States reject Islamic extremism by larger margins than do Muslim minorities in Western European countries, when compared with results from a 2006 Pew Global Attitudes Project survey. 
  •  Fewer native-born African American Muslims than others completely condemn al Qaeda. In addition, younger Muslims in the U.S. are more likely than older Muslim Americans to express a strong sense of Muslim identity, and are much more likely to say that suicide bombing in the defense of Islam can be at least sometimes justified.
  • [...] many doubt that Arabs were responsible for the 9/11attacks. Just 40% of Muslim  Americans say groups of Arabs carried out those attacks.
  • And by nearly two-to-one (63%-32%) Muslim Americans do not see a conflict between being a devout Muslim and living in a modern society. 

    Just 26% say the U.S.-led war on terror is a sincere effort to reduce international terrorism. By contrast, a Pew survey of the general public in 2004 found 67% saying the U.S.-led war on terror is a sincere effort to reduce terrorism. 
    [...]In addition, the survey finds that younger Muslim Americans – those under age 30 – are both much more religiously observant and more accepting of Islamic extremism than are older Muslim Americans. Younger Muslim Americans report attending services at a mosque more frequently than do older Muslims. And a greater percentage of younger Muslims in the U.S. think of themselves first as Muslims, rather than primarily as Americans (60% vs. 41% among Muslim Americans ages 30 and older). Moreover, more than twice as many Muslim Americans under the age 30 as older Muslims believe that suicide bombings can be often or sometimes justified in the defense of Islam (15% vs. 6%).

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