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Thursday, December 19, 2013
la technologie et l'islam
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Sister Hatune: Muslim Persecution of Christians
Watch it, particularly after 7:30...mins
7:24 | Right, I just want to say why all of this happens. | ||
7:28 | The Quran and the Sharia are the cause | ||
7:32 | of all the atrocities in the world. | ||
7:36 | Anyhow, time is short. I could keep on talking till tomorrow. | ||
7:40 | I thank all of you for being here, and I hope that Europe wakes up. | ||
7:44 | But there is one little story about a little child. | ||
7:48 | In 2010 I was awarded the German Cross of Merit. | ||
7:52 | I was invited to Wiesbaden, so I get on the train. | ||
7:56 | There’s a child with his father and he looks at me: | ||
8:00 | “Spanish, Italian or Greek?” I said: “No. I’m from Turkey.” | ||
8:04 | “Christians in Turkey?” “Yes, we had to flee.” | ||
8:08 | So, I told him the reasons like I have told you. | ||
8:12 | “Ah, now I get it.” I asked: “What?” | ||
8:16 | “Here, do you see my son Tobias? I’m living next door to | ||
8:20 | an Islamic Turkish family. Our kids were even born in the same week. | ||
8:24 | But for two month this child didn’t come to us anymore, | ||
8:28 | though they had been good mates. He had almost lived | ||
8:32 | at our place, we cooked for him without pork, and now he doesn’t show up. | ||
8:36 | So, two weeks ago I put him in a corner and asked him to explain. | ||
8:40 | Mohammed, why don’t you come to Tobias anymore? | ||
8:44 | He stretched his arms out and said: Please, don’t come close to me. | ||
8:48 | You are a heretic, you are impure, you are an infidel. | ||
8:52 | I’m a real Muslim now, a true believer. I attend Quran school, and | ||
8:56 | my school tells me that I mustn’t make friends with you, and | ||
9:00 | Allah, o Allah, I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to make friends | ||
9:04 | with the infidels. Please, forgive me.” | ||
9:08 | So, that happens in Germany. Every Quran school teaches such fanatic elements. | ||
9:12 | What will happen in Europe with our kids and this Mohammed? | ||
9:16 | Or your grandchildren, how will they get along with each other in Europe? | ||
9:20 | I’m not preaching Islamophobia, but this is reality. | ||
9:24 | How will this Mohammed get along with your grandchildren? | ||
9:28 | Ask yourself, but also appeal the politicians so they wake up | ||
9:32 | and these Quran schools get monitored. | ||
9:36 | I’m fine with a faith being taught, but under control. | ||
9:40 | What’s bad for the people needs to be stopped. No matter who does it. | ||
9:44 | I love Muslims, but I hate their laws that harm people. | ||
9:48 | Thank you. |
what there is no rioting?
The photos shows a pile of Qurans found in sewers - IN Saudi Arabia. That probably explains the lack of emotional behaviour by others across the world.
The photos shows a pile of Qurans found in sewers - IN Saudi Arabia. That probably explains the lack of emotional behaviour by others across the world.
Monday, December 16, 2013
When the Saudis tell you to jump, they mean off a cliff or tall structure. They are expecting us to be the Lemmings...
You have to admire the sheer chutzpah of the OIC in monitoring Islamophobia in western Europe where, without exception, Muslims of all kinds have full civil rights. Compare this to Saudi Arabia, where Shia and other Muslim minorities are persecuted along with all other religious groups who don’t conform.
Gems cited include:
Combating tolerance, in effect, means combating blasphemy. There is a fine line between protecting religion from hatred and protecting it from criticism, and unfortunately the new ‘pro-faith’ British government seems to be doing the latter.
[...] yet the Church leadership in Britain is far more reluctant to talk about serious anti-Christian violence abroad than it is to address ‘militant secularism’; much as I disagree with many of Britain’s recent discrimination laws, Stonewall and the National Secular Society do not burn down churches.
To read more:
Novi Pazar and tolerance
From the Balkans courrier
« Chers amis, respectueux collaborateurs, et vous tous avec qui j’ai pu travailler de longues années durant à l’établissement des valeurs démocratiques dans notre pays et dans la région, je tiens à vous remercier de m’avoir donné l’opportunité de participer à ce mouvement, mais aussi à vous informer qu’à partir d’aujourd’hui, je me retire officiellement du poste de directrice de l’ONG Urban In.
En cette année qui marque le quinzième anniversaire de cette petite mais influente ONG, je considère que me retirer est le minimum que je puisse faire pour éviter que l’organisation à laquelle j’ai consacré mes meilleures années ne souffre et ne devienne la cible de tous ceux qui souhaitent le recul de notre société, et de ceux qui ont peur de réagir, des indifférents ou des silencieux, sans le moindre souci pour notre région.
Depuis l’éclatement de notre patrie commune dans le sang, je considère que tout individu responsable a le devoir de ne pas passer sous silence les violations des droits de l’Homme, les crimes, la contamination nationaliste et religieuse, l’hébétement, l’intolérance, le primitivisme et tout ce qui nous sépare du reste du monde civilisé. Je pense que la parole publique est notre unique défense et que le devoir de tout citoyen est de parler, sans égard pour les conséquences, de ce qui ruine et déforme les normes éthiques, civiles et humaines qui représentent la base de chaque société. Je croyais et crois toujours que chaque intellectuel avait l’obligation de dénoncer la folie nationaliste qui nous obsède depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans, et surtout de montrer du doigt le nationalisme de son propre peuple, avant de s’attaquer au nationalisme des autres. Malheureusement, je suis restée presque seule avec mes convictions, mes efforts et la tâche que je me suis donnée de monter aux « barricades » de la vérité, de la justice, de la tolérance.
Ces derniers jours, seul le silence m’entoure. Ceux qui se disent être de mon côté se taisent et tournent la tête de peur de créer un remous dans la marée qui nous submerge depuis des années, soucieux de n’insulter personne ou de n’attirer ni l’amertume ni la colère de ceux qui décident de notre destin. Peut-être est-ce plus élégant, plus simple de maintenir de bons rapports avec tout le monde : on ne sait jamais qui peut nous être utile. Certains se trouvent à une distance considérable du Sandžak, mais se donnent le droit d’expliquer notre vie et de donner des conseils même s’ils ne connaissent le Sandžak que grâce à la lecture des rapports ou des textes rédigés par nous qui y vivons au quotidien. D’autres considèrent le Sandžak comme la cible de leurs projets, mais ils en ignorent tout, ou presque, et ne s’y intéressent finalement guère. Il y en a enfin qui vendent leurs convictions démocratiques aux intérêts des partis et des compromissions politiques, prêts à me clouer au pilori comme le font les radicaux ultras.
Cette expérience désagréable et pénible serait moins difficile à vivre si elle ne touchait que moi, comme unique responsable de mes paroles écrites ou prononcés. Or, elle a commencé à ruiner l’organisation où je travaillais jusqu’à ce jour. Certains diront peut-être qu’il est lâche d’abandonner mes amis et collaborateurs. Je répondrai qu’Urban In était pour moi plus qu’un lieu de travail et que ses membres étaient plus que mes collaborateurs. Urban-In et les gens qui y travaillent étaient ma vie, ma famille, ma source et mon port d’attache : ce que j’ai pu faire de mieux dans la vie.
C’est pourquoi j’ai le devoir de les protéger des attaques ultérieures, de rassurer les jeunes qui souhaitent devenir militants d’Urban In et leurs parents, de prouver qu’Urban In est prêt à évoluer sans moi. Cela ne veut pas dire que je tourne le dos à mes amis et collaborateurs – je resterai toujours à leurs côtés et les aiderai de toutes mes forces pour que cette belle histoire commune perdure, encore meilleure, plus forte et rajeunie.
Cela me donnera plus d’espace pour parler de tout ce qui fait mal à notre société, ce qui nous a poussés à l’isolement et conduits au seuil de la faillite. Je parlerai et j’écrirai plus fort encore, sans compromis, pour montrer que le Sandžak n’est pas un simple mot qui figure dans des projets à Novi Pazar, Belgrade, Bruxelles ou Washington, que les gens qui y habitent ne sont pas des marionnettes ou des numéros, que nous, les résidents qui vivons ici et partageons les difficultés et la beauté d’une société multiculturelle, sommes capables de reconnaître nos besoins véritables.
C’est pourquoi je dis, depuis ma petite cellule temporaire, que les prisons n’existent que dans les esprits des gens, que le silence est une lâcheté et une autocensure volontaire et qu’aucune menace, aucun chantage, aucune insulte ne me forcera pas à me taire ou ne me liera les mains.
J’espère que cette lettre servira de miroir à toutes les personnes bienveillantes, courageuses et sans compromis qui tentent de rendre la Serbie meilleure, mais surtout aux autres dont les intentions sont peu honnêtes ou égoïstes, aux ignorants qui considèrent mes concitoyens comme autant de chiffres et de statistiques dans leurs rapports, qu’il s’agisse d’acteurs étrangers ou nationaux. Dès aujourd’hui, je joue sans mon équipe, dans l’espoir de ne pas rester solitaire dans la volonté de transformer toute la Serbie en une équipe qui se bat pour la démocratie. »
Novi Pazar, Aida Ćorović, le 10 décembre 2013.
"Elle fait de nouveau l’objet de menaces de mort lancées par des groupes islamistes radicaux et des politiciens de sa région, le Sandžak, au sud de la Serbie."
Dans une lettre ouverte publiée le 10 décembre, journée internationale des droits de l’Homme, et que nous publions ici dans son intégralité, elle annonce à regret son retrait de la direction de l’ONG Urban In de Novi Pazar qu’elle dirigeait depuis de longues années. Par ce geste, elle espère ne plus mettre en danger la vie de ses collègues et amis. Les associations serbes de défense des droits civils ont fermement condamné les attaques contre Aida Ćorović.The rest of the article:
« Chers amis, respectueux collaborateurs, et vous tous avec qui j’ai pu travailler de longues années durant à l’établissement des valeurs démocratiques dans notre pays et dans la région, je tiens à vous remercier de m’avoir donné l’opportunité de participer à ce mouvement, mais aussi à vous informer qu’à partir d’aujourd’hui, je me retire officiellement du poste de directrice de l’ONG Urban In.
En cette année qui marque le quinzième anniversaire de cette petite mais influente ONG, je considère que me retirer est le minimum que je puisse faire pour éviter que l’organisation à laquelle j’ai consacré mes meilleures années ne souffre et ne devienne la cible de tous ceux qui souhaitent le recul de notre société, et de ceux qui ont peur de réagir, des indifférents ou des silencieux, sans le moindre souci pour notre région.
Depuis l’éclatement de notre patrie commune dans le sang, je considère que tout individu responsable a le devoir de ne pas passer sous silence les violations des droits de l’Homme, les crimes, la contamination nationaliste et religieuse, l’hébétement, l’intolérance, le primitivisme et tout ce qui nous sépare du reste du monde civilisé. Je pense que la parole publique est notre unique défense et que le devoir de tout citoyen est de parler, sans égard pour les conséquences, de ce qui ruine et déforme les normes éthiques, civiles et humaines qui représentent la base de chaque société. Je croyais et crois toujours que chaque intellectuel avait l’obligation de dénoncer la folie nationaliste qui nous obsède depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans, et surtout de montrer du doigt le nationalisme de son propre peuple, avant de s’attaquer au nationalisme des autres. Malheureusement, je suis restée presque seule avec mes convictions, mes efforts et la tâche que je me suis donnée de monter aux « barricades » de la vérité, de la justice, de la tolérance.
Ces derniers jours, seul le silence m’entoure. Ceux qui se disent être de mon côté se taisent et tournent la tête de peur de créer un remous dans la marée qui nous submerge depuis des années, soucieux de n’insulter personne ou de n’attirer ni l’amertume ni la colère de ceux qui décident de notre destin. Peut-être est-ce plus élégant, plus simple de maintenir de bons rapports avec tout le monde : on ne sait jamais qui peut nous être utile. Certains se trouvent à une distance considérable du Sandžak, mais se donnent le droit d’expliquer notre vie et de donner des conseils même s’ils ne connaissent le Sandžak que grâce à la lecture des rapports ou des textes rédigés par nous qui y vivons au quotidien. D’autres considèrent le Sandžak comme la cible de leurs projets, mais ils en ignorent tout, ou presque, et ne s’y intéressent finalement guère. Il y en a enfin qui vendent leurs convictions démocratiques aux intérêts des partis et des compromissions politiques, prêts à me clouer au pilori comme le font les radicaux ultras.
Cette expérience désagréable et pénible serait moins difficile à vivre si elle ne touchait que moi, comme unique responsable de mes paroles écrites ou prononcés. Or, elle a commencé à ruiner l’organisation où je travaillais jusqu’à ce jour. Certains diront peut-être qu’il est lâche d’abandonner mes amis et collaborateurs. Je répondrai qu’Urban In était pour moi plus qu’un lieu de travail et que ses membres étaient plus que mes collaborateurs. Urban-In et les gens qui y travaillent étaient ma vie, ma famille, ma source et mon port d’attache : ce que j’ai pu faire de mieux dans la vie.
C’est pourquoi j’ai le devoir de les protéger des attaques ultérieures, de rassurer les jeunes qui souhaitent devenir militants d’Urban In et leurs parents, de prouver qu’Urban In est prêt à évoluer sans moi. Cela ne veut pas dire que je tourne le dos à mes amis et collaborateurs – je resterai toujours à leurs côtés et les aiderai de toutes mes forces pour que cette belle histoire commune perdure, encore meilleure, plus forte et rajeunie.
Cela me donnera plus d’espace pour parler de tout ce qui fait mal à notre société, ce qui nous a poussés à l’isolement et conduits au seuil de la faillite. Je parlerai et j’écrirai plus fort encore, sans compromis, pour montrer que le Sandžak n’est pas un simple mot qui figure dans des projets à Novi Pazar, Belgrade, Bruxelles ou Washington, que les gens qui y habitent ne sont pas des marionnettes ou des numéros, que nous, les résidents qui vivons ici et partageons les difficultés et la beauté d’une société multiculturelle, sommes capables de reconnaître nos besoins véritables.
C’est pourquoi je dis, depuis ma petite cellule temporaire, que les prisons n’existent que dans les esprits des gens, que le silence est une lâcheté et une autocensure volontaire et qu’aucune menace, aucun chantage, aucune insulte ne me forcera pas à me taire ou ne me liera les mains.
J’espère que cette lettre servira de miroir à toutes les personnes bienveillantes, courageuses et sans compromis qui tentent de rendre la Serbie meilleure, mais surtout aux autres dont les intentions sont peu honnêtes ou égoïstes, aux ignorants qui considèrent mes concitoyens comme autant de chiffres et de statistiques dans leurs rapports, qu’il s’agisse d’acteurs étrangers ou nationaux. Dès aujourd’hui, je joue sans mon équipe, dans l’espoir de ne pas rester solitaire dans la volonté de transformer toute la Serbie en une équipe qui se bat pour la démocratie. »
Novi Pazar, Aida Ćorović, le 10 décembre 2013.
Kosovo and Roma
Quoi qu'il en soit, les Roms ne sont pas vraiment les bienvenus à Mitrovica. En 1999, Roma Mahala, le quartier rom de cette ville industrielle peu attrayante, avait été entièrement pillé, brûlé et ses 8000 habitants chassés (photo ci-dessus) par la résistance albanaise antiserbe, l'UCK, qui s'installait au pouvoir dans le fourgon de l'Otan - de l'armée française en l'occurrence. Durant l'été 1999, des gendarmes français patrouillaient dans cette zone dévastée où le moindre montant de porte avait été détruit. Il n'y avait plus âme qui vive : les habitants avaient fui vers la Serbie, le Monténégro voisins, voire en Europe occidentale.
Les Roms du Kosovo subissaient alors la vengeance de la majorité albanaise, qui les accusait d'avoir collaboré avec le régime nationaliste serbe, honni et vaincu. Une accusation non dénuée de fondement, qui rappelait celle des Roumains dénonçant, quelques années plus tôt, la collaboration des Tziganes avec la Securitate (police politique) de Nicolas Ceauscescu. Dans les années 90, alors que les Kosovars d'origine albanaise boycottaient les institutions officielles, dans une forme de résistance passive, les Roms ont souvent pris leur place pour faire tourner l'économie ou l'administration. Beaucoup d'entre eux vivent encore aujourd'hui au sein des enclaves peuplées de Serbes, et, comme eux, s'aventurent rarement dans les villes ou quartiers albanophones."
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Interesting article on the politics of the "unelected elites" ans here an the masterpiece: HOMOGENEITY...
And what's with this quaint word, 'homogeneity'? It's strange, people like Sutherland – as well as leftist academics galore – stress 'diversity', 'alternative cultures' and 'the Other' in one breath, yet in the next they say – or imply – that there is one aspect of diversity, one culture and one ethnicity that must be systematically erased, namely the British. That's what Sutherland's glorious 'homogeneity' would result in.
Not that there will be homogeneity anyway. That's another part of this big con. Take the Muslim population of this country. They are systematically forming their own enclaves/ ghettos and living separately from the rest of us. Indeed, as Muslims, they must do so, because all Muslims must live according to sharia law and sharia law demands – as does the Koran in many passages – that Muslims avoid being polluted by the 'unbeliever'. So Peter Sutherland must know that the homogeneity he wants may very well end in inter-communal violence, civil war and a distinct lack of homogeneity.
And just when you think that he couldn't say anything more obscene, he adds that there should be a "shift from states selecting migrants to migrants selecting states".Source:
Friday, December 13, 2013
Attaque d'une église à Paris
A Coptic church in Paris gets vandalised, "the only church that is illuminated is the one that on fire".
About the same in November, another church is attacked, with worshippers, by an extreme left group, during Sunday mass (no less). This provoked an open letter being written by a Parliamentarian deputy, Jacques Bompard.
20 novembre 2013
An open letter to the Interior Minister of France, in relation to an attack on :
"Besides numerous cemeteries and Christian places of worship are targeted by extremist groups on the grounds of hatred of The Other and intolerance. It is not normal that the Christians of France feel cut off from the rest of the national community. They have the feeling not benefiting from the same protection and concern from the authorities as the other religious communities, when their places of worship are attacked or their faith is being blacklisted."The deputy continued with this remark directed at the Minister:
"If his interest is confined (just) to synagogues and mosques or if he will finally plan to take into consideration the prevailing christianophobia which reigns in France. "
Attaque d'une église à Paris : la question du député Bompard
Déposée à l'assemblée :"M. Jacques Bompard attire l'attention de M. le ministre de l'intérieur sur l'attaque de l'Eglise de Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet le 17 novembre dernier. Celle-ci a été commise pendant une messe dominicale hautement symbolique pour les fidèles et par ailleurs constitutive de l'identité française depuis des milliers d'années. Des projectiles ont été jetés alors que de jeunes enfants se trouvaient dans l'assemblée. Les médias n'ont pas jugé utile de souligner l'évènement mais nombre de catholiques s'attendent à une réaction du ministère qui ne vient pas. Cette agression s'est déroulée dans un climat de christianophobie délétère qui tend nombre de croyants alors que des journalistes et autres personnages publics se sont fendus de déclarations notoirement haineuses sans jamais avoir été inquiétés par la justice. Par ailleurs de nombreux cimetières et lieux de cultes chrétiens sont pris pour cible par des groupes extrémistes sur le motif de la haine de l'Autre et de l'intolérance. Il n'est pas normal que les chrétiens de France se sentent retranchés du reste de la communauté nationale. Ils ont le sentiment de ne pas bénéficier de la même protection et de la même sollicitude des autorités que les autres communautés religieuses quand leurs lieux de culte sont attaqués ou leur foi mise à l'Index. Monsieur Jacques Bompard demande à M. le ministre de l'intérieur si son intérêt est circonscrit aux synagogues et aux mosquées ou s'il compte enfin prendre la mesure de la christianophobie ambiante qui règne en France."
« M.
Cuckoos have evolved various strategies for getting their egg into a host nest.
Some adult parasitic cuckoos completely destroy the host's clutch if they reject the cuckoo egg.
Uncanny behaviour..
Some adult parasitic cuckoos completely destroy the host's clutch if they reject the cuckoo egg.
Uncanny behaviour..
No change in 200 years
'Jihad is being paid for by Europe', says Al Qaeda leaders," from the BBC, 13 December 2013
"Barbary corsairs led attacks upon American merchant shipping in an attempt to extort ransom for the lives of captured sailors, and ultimately tribute from the United States to avoid further attacks, much like their standard operating procedure with the various European states.
" In agreeing to pay a ransom of $60,000 for the American prisoners, the Jefferson administration drew a distinction between paying tribute and paying ransom. 1805
Source: wikipedia: First Barbary War.
"Barbary corsairs led attacks upon American merchant shipping in an attempt to extort ransom for the lives of captured sailors, and ultimately tribute from the United States to avoid further attacks, much like their standard operating procedure with the various European states.
" In agreeing to pay a ransom of $60,000 for the American prisoners, the Jefferson administration drew a distinction between paying tribute and paying ransom. 1805
Source: wikipedia: First Barbary War.
Slavery pay back
"A commission set up by countries in the Caribbean announced on Tuesday that it planned to sue Norway for its involvement in plantation slavery from the 17th to the 19th century."The Local, NorwayIt is a trend to sue states for their historical involvement in slavery. The need for entitlement shouldn't stop at the door of Western Europe or the USA, for their slavery legacy. The law of reciprocity should be implemented fairly and also cover Islamic slavery as well.
When will a group stand up and create a commission to study the slave-owning past of the following countries?
Saudi Arabia, Turkey (the Ottoman Empire), Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco - (the Barbary pirates) and Sudan.
There would be 3 commission categories covering the European victims, African victims and Indian victims.
For more details:
A history lesson forgotten and dumped in the PC bin:
"Nevertheless, in my native country, I had learnt that the Barbary pirates raided French coasts, putting the South of the country to fire and blood-soaking, kidnapping women and children, to sell them as slaves. How come that as someone born far from France, I know these things, and how come that most of my French friends of origin ignore it and self - flagellate themselves from morning till night?
Eva, resistance republique, December 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Some information from a recent finding on fundamentalism in Western Europe. It is a timely update on the perverse nature of our societies in the West compared to the Islamic one:
"the level of phobia against the West among Muslims – for which oddly enough there is no word; one might call it “Occidentophobia” – is much higher still, with 54 per cent believing that the West is out to destroy Islam."
"as almost half of European Muslims agree that Muslims should return to the roots of Islam, that there is only one interpretation of the Koran, and that the rules laid down in it are more important than secular laws."
Source: WZB Mitteilungen, December 201, Fundamentalism and out-group hostility Muslim immigrants and Christian natives in Western Europe
"the level of phobia against the West among Muslims – for which oddly enough there is no word; one might call it “Occidentophobia” – is much higher still, with 54 per cent believing that the West is out to destroy Islam."
"as almost half of European Muslims agree that Muslims should return to the roots of Islam, that there is only one interpretation of the Koran, and that the rules laid down in it are more important than secular laws."
Source: WZB Mitteilungen, December 201, Fundamentalism and out-group hostility Muslim immigrants and Christian natives in Western Europe
The Uttered Word - dumb
at Xmas
“We must be open and tolerant toward Islam
and Muslims because when we become a minority, they will be so toward
us.” — Jens Orback, former Swedish government minister…”
Judging by the type of statements made in exclusively Islamic states, Mr Orback might be waiting for a long time.
It is a clear indication of the hypocrisy of Muslims with regards to Christianity. Some Muslims do get upset by Christmas as they find it offensive. Christmas is the celebration of Jesus Christ, someone who is supposedly revered as a messenger by Muslims, under the name "Isa". BUT one reason for not recognising the Christian festival, according to an Islamic website is this:
This guy expresses quite well his feelings on the phrase "Merry Christmas"
It makes for interesting times ahead in Europe, as the Muslim demographics is rapidly changing the European landscape. I am not going to hold my breath to see if Mr Orback's comments will happen. Not given the widespread persecution of Christians and other minorities in Islamic countries, nor indeed do the Muslims have to be a minority before there is potentially serious violence, ( see the latest news about Christians in Indonesia at Xmas time).
Another example of the hypocrisy (in the UK) is this "incident" that took place in London, during the run-up to Christmas in 2010.
"Sister Christine Frost, founder of the East London Neighbours in Poplar charity, said: 'The more posters I saw, the more angry I got." She added that: "'If we said such things about Muslims, we'd all be hanging from lamp-posts"
And more quotes in the comments section: "How would they feel if posters saying that Eid was evil appeared everywhere? The UK welcomes those of all faiths who wish to integrate. These hate filled fanatics obviously don't so deport them to a country where they will be much happier - until they protest about something and lose a hand."
What was the response from the Muslim campaigner behind the poster? He said: 'Christmas is a lie and as Muslims it is our duty to attack it."
Yet Mr Orback seemed to think that it would not be problem. That's multiculturalism for you; allowing a minority representative of an ideology intent on denigrating the religion and culture of the UK, offending many Christians in the process, without a care for the feelings of non-Muslims. Don't worry! The consensus from the top, those who wield power, aka the PC police, is that we mustn't be seen to upset the Muslims so we are obliged to pander them. Christmas trees are renamed "holiday trees", no public Nativity scenes,
The authorities desperately tried to brush this aside, but they continue to strip the UK of its Christian roots and hegemony. A trend that is repeated in other countries, (the EU, USA, Canada, etc...).
It reminds of Animal Farm:
Bah humbug to you all!
![]() | |
Judging by the type of statements made in exclusively Islamic states, Mr Orback might be waiting for a long time.
“Allowing activities that promote occasions that are strange to our Islamic society is ridiculous and an offence to our religious teachings,” MP Hamdan Al-Azmi, Kuwait. Why did he make this statement? KUWAIT: A tribal lawmaker demanded government action to stop Christmas celebrations in Kuwait.Imagine the same situation in an European country but directed at other non-Christian celebrations? What would be the response? An outcry for sure or a riot. This is a clear example of the double standards being played out across the EU, North America and Australasia.
It is a clear indication of the hypocrisy of Muslims with regards to Christianity. Some Muslims do get upset by Christmas as they find it offensive. Christmas is the celebration of Jesus Christ, someone who is supposedly revered as a messenger by Muslims, under the name "Isa". BUT one reason for not recognising the Christian festival, according to an Islamic website is this:
"Even if Christmas WAS the birthday of Isa/Jesus (as), this is not something to be celebrated as, in Islam, Muslims are not supposed to celebrate birthdays". For more "enlighted reasons why Muslims don't/ mustn't partake in Christmas festivities- LINK
This guy expresses quite well his feelings on the phrase "Merry Christmas"
It makes for interesting times ahead in Europe, as the Muslim demographics is rapidly changing the European landscape. I am not going to hold my breath to see if Mr Orback's comments will happen. Not given the widespread persecution of Christians and other minorities in Islamic countries, nor indeed do the Muslims have to be a minority before there is potentially serious violence, ( see the latest news about Christians in Indonesia at Xmas time).
Another example of the hypocrisy (in the UK) is this "incident" that took place in London, during the run-up to Christmas in 2010.
"Sister Christine Frost, founder of the East London Neighbours in Poplar charity, said: 'The more posters I saw, the more angry I got." She added that: "'If we said such things about Muslims, we'd all be hanging from lamp-posts"
And more quotes in the comments section: "How would they feel if posters saying that Eid was evil appeared everywhere? The UK welcomes those of all faiths who wish to integrate. These hate filled fanatics obviously don't so deport them to a country where they will be much happier - until they protest about something and lose a hand."
What was the response from the Muslim campaigner behind the poster? He said: 'Christmas is a lie and as Muslims it is our duty to attack it."
Yet Mr Orback seemed to think that it would not be problem. That's multiculturalism for you; allowing a minority representative of an ideology intent on denigrating the religion and culture of the UK, offending many Christians in the process, without a care for the feelings of non-Muslims. Don't worry! The consensus from the top, those who wield power, aka the PC police, is that we mustn't be seen to upset the Muslims so we are obliged to pander them. Christmas trees are renamed "holiday trees", no public Nativity scenes,
The authorities desperately tried to brush this aside, but they continue to strip the UK of its Christian roots and hegemony. A trend that is repeated in other countries, (the EU, USA, Canada, etc...).
It reminds of Animal Farm:
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"
Bah humbug to you all!
Uttered words - moral compass
Have we lost our moral compass?
"When some politician somewhere around the globe inadvertently offends homosexuals or Muslims, it instantly makes headline news."
But when Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists get imprisoned, kidnapped, abused, tortured, murdered in cold-blood - no headline news! There is almost complete silence about this the mainstream media news (mms).
Syria, Egpyt, Nigeria, CAR, Libya, Tunisia, India, Kenya, Tanzania, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Iran, North Korea...
If fact even the US authorities have been labelling certain Christians, Jews & Hindus as terrorists.
“On the very base that was the site of mass murder carried out by a radicalized Muslim soldier, it is astonishing that it is evangelical groups that are being identified as a ‘threat.’”
"When some politician somewhere around the globe inadvertently offends homosexuals or Muslims, it instantly makes headline news."
But when Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists get imprisoned, kidnapped, abused, tortured, murdered in cold-blood - no headline news! There is almost complete silence about this the mainstream media news (mms).
Syria, Egpyt, Nigeria, CAR, Libya, Tunisia, India, Kenya, Tanzania, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Iran, North Korea...
If fact even the US authorities have been labelling certain Christians, Jews & Hindus as terrorists.
8 Examples Of The U.S. Military Being Taught To Treat Christians As Extremists And Potential TerroristsThe latest example of this trend was in October 2013, at Ft Hood,(USA), no less. I'm speechless!
“On the very base that was the site of mass murder carried out by a radicalized Muslim soldier, it is astonishing that it is evangelical groups that are being identified as a ‘threat.’”
- Tony Perkins, Family Research Council president
the Uttered Word - insult
to our common sense and integrity.
The link is to a UK government on tackling extremism in the UK, 9 pages in total, including cover and back! This shows that the UK government have no serious intention in dealing with the root causes of extremism, largely attributed by a growing minorities of Islamic individuals and organisations.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
History revisited in Asia Minor
For more information on the various massacres and details of historical accounts - please see this website.
The uttered word - tactlessness
This is from the man who stated:
“western democracy is akin to a bus station but the final destination is the Islamic caliphate.”
1. He's at it again but this time at promoting (dreaming of?) a neo-Ottoman revival and ... He's has upset the Greeks, (again). Obliviously he does not believe in the laws of reciprocity, (as he so claims).
Compare his statement with that of the Greek response by Konstantinos Koutras;"Erdogan said that Thrace is very important to Turkey.During the municipal elections tour he said that “Thrace is also Thessaloniki, Komotini and Xanthi. It’s Kardzhali and Vardar. If we go a little further it’s Skopje and Pristina, it’s Sarajevo.”
He continued: “Thrace is the living witness of our common history with Europe. It represents our past in the region. Today, Thrace is in the center of all our Balkan relations along with Adrianople, Tekirdağ, Kırklareli and of course Instanbul.” Source: Greek Reporter, December 2013
"Today, the only criteria is to abide by the international law and the rules of good neighborly relations based on respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all the nations in the region."
There is a deafening silence in the EU fortress in Brussels and as well NATO. Erdogan conveniently forgets that once upon a time, Greeks lived in most of modern-day Turkey for a very very long time, in fact up to the 1950's.
2. Previously he went to Kosov
3. Next clue with regards to the Neo-Ottoman dreamer is from the 6th of June in Istanbul:"I want you to shout so loudly that Sarajevo and Zenica can hear you,". Why would he say that in Istanbul to a Turkish crowd of supporters. It doesn't make sense nor is it a throw-away line, as he had previously mentioned Sarajevo in his election victory speech in 2011. On a visit to Bosnia, Erdogan spoke about the words uttered to him by Izetbegovic, shortly before he died, - "Bosnia is entrusted to you", you being Turkey. That did stir up a debate in the region. To add this is a comment made by the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, who in Sarajevo in 2011:
“In our traditions, we celebrate Eid at home. This is what I am doing, I celebrate the Eid with my family in Sarajevo. Bosnia is our home and Bosnians are our family members.”
Furthermore, Davutoğlu spoke about "that he wished to see regional cooperation that would enable people to travel from Bosnia to Sudan without a passport".
By joining the dots, a picture is emerging, some kind of Turkish vision of regional unity and cooperation. It seems to be based unique on a shared faith too, based on Islamic values. Maybe this vision of cooperation is something of a mirror reflection of what is happening within Turkey's borders. There has a slow realisation by the Turkish authorities that are not just Turks, per se but there are many different entities and ethnics living in Turkey, all brought together during the Ottoman rule. This has resulted in moves to recognise these different groups for who they are, drawing upon the common past of the Ottoman period.
This vision, which is heavily depend on Turkey's historical legacy, is a recurring theme which is being played out across the former lands of the Empire, notably Syria and Egypt of late. It is viewed by some as "Turkish interference" in other countries' internal affairs. What remains to be seen is how serious is this message being considered? This vision is destined to fail if it the diversity of cultures, languages, different religions of both the Balkans and the Middle East is deliberately ignored.
1.Ahmet Davutoğlu wrote a paper in 1997, " THE CLASH OF INTERESTS: AN EXPLANATION OF THE WORLD (DIS)ORDER", in which he described the following:
The collapse of the Soviet system has strengthened the strategic position of the Muslim world from the following perspectives:2a. 1.6 million migrants coming to Turkey (mostly from the Balkans) between 1923 and the mid-1990s. Getting to Zero Report,The Transatlantic Academy.
(iii) the geographical link of Muslim communities in the Balkans (Bosnia-Albania-Kosova-Macedonia-Western Thrace) has become a significant regional access for
Muslims to reach Europe;
2b. Having ruled for the better part of six centuries as the Ottoman empire, Turkey as a post-imperial successor state has now come to demand a certain level of respect in its international dealings. p23, Getting to Zero Report,The Transatlantic Academy.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
when they came in Syria
Men behaving badly in the name of Islam and the rest of the people staying quiet, cowered and afraid to speak out. One brave woman takes on the men with words.
Monday, December 9, 2013
one way street of superiority
Hagia Sophia had served as a Christian church for hundreds of years before Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. (In fact nearly a 1000 years).It would not be the last conversion from church to mosque in Turkey in recent times.
In recent weeks it was announced that the Monastery of Stoudios — the largest Byzantine-era monastery in Istanbul — would be converted into a mosque next year.It is indeed a litmus test being played by the Turkish authorities to gauge the reaction internally as well as internationally. It must be remembered that this is just one episode of the "path towards a more Islamification" of the country, specifically a more conservative Sunni trend.
It is certainly a great example of the double standards being applied, mostly on the part of the Turkish authorities, who have a track record in shedding crocodile tears and exclaiming "outrage" at the lack of progress with mosque building, (latest round being directed at Athens), while openly supporting a stronger Islamic ethos throughout the country; to the detriment of other religious minorities.
Religions equality in Turkey is very difficult to define as it is Sunni Islam that dominates and holds sway. Religious minorities including Orthodox, Catholics, Armenians, Protestants, Syriacs Christians, Jews,and Alevi Muslims face restrictions & regular discrimination.
The uttered word - free
- to speak about the benefits of Islam.
See this example: Call to Islam in Piccadilly Circus | Abu Shafi (video link)
1. Any Islamic individual, religious leader or scholar can take advantage of free speech in "the West" to spread their own version of morality, Islamic style. To the uninitiated, the Islamic rulebook and morality is enshrined in the Sharia.
2. It's called freedom of speech when Islamic organisation can widely and freely distribute literature, release press releases, organise conferences and organise protests that promote the superiority of Muslims over others - the non-Muslims, commonly known in the Quran as non-believers. (Otherwise known as kuffar by Muslims themselves).
3. The core of Sharia and Islamic texts contain practices & harsh pushiments which would not be considered as "conducive to promoting human rights" in any of the "Western" societies. Take the example of stoning or amputation of limbs. Another Islamic acceptable is marriage of young girls of 6 and 9 years ago.Yes- this is enshrined in Islamic jurisprudence.
4. Islam covers both religion and politics, it is hence an ideology. The strict Islamic practices that encompass the Quran, Sunna and Hadiths are to be found in Saudi Arabia or Iran - Islamic theocracies. Imagine the scene if a Christian tried to argue against Abu Shafi, not in Central London but Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. That would an impossible feat to do there as there is no is public practice of other religions other than the Wahabi version of Islam. Certain parts of the Islamic texts actually command believers to hate Christians, Jews, polytheists and other "non-believers".
5. Embedded in Islamic texts is the gratuitous promotion of violence, which often directed at "non-believers". Imams are known to give bigoted, hateful sermons, not only in mosques but also in the media and on the internet. These Islamic scholars are permitted to do so in Western societies, as such societies value freedom and tolerance. It is ironic that to actually point this out can often result in outright denial or being branded racist, bigoted or Islamophobe.
6.There is a complete lack of gratitude and tolerance for other beliefs in Islam. This is evident by the fact that there is an increasing unwillingness by incoming immigrants from Islamic countries to earnestly adapt, try to blend in, sincerely respect and conform to the law, cultures and practices of their new host countries. Think of FGM, it is deemed a traditional religious and cultural practice by many in the Muslim community in the West.
7. Violence, vandalism and dishonesty are the watchword of certain Islamic groups. When confronted with the unsavoury aspects of Islam, particularly the promotion of extreme violence, the message being given - "nothing to see, move along and ignore it" by those in authorities, (politically, religiously or law enforcement/ legal). Trying to refute this is a difficult process, but search on the internet for examples of the placards that are waved at Islamic demonstrations, to get a sense of perspective. No doubt there will be some who freely brandish signs that clearly read “burn and kill the infidels, "death to Jews" etc...
8.When highly unsavoury
Islamic texts are cited, to criticize them is often entails ending up offending the sensibility
of the Muslims, whether real or perceived. The response can be very vindictive, nasty and brutal,
even only in words. Islamic leaders & organisations regularly
come across as being arrogant, demanding, and belligerent, especially
when unsavoury aspects of the Islamic ideology is published. It is seems that to be "easily offended" is just a one-way street.
9. Tolerance for non-Muslim culture and practice is paper thin in most of Islamic societies. It is the non-Muslims who are the losers. Imagine the uproar if an Iman was killed in cold blood in a Western countries. When it is happens to a Christian bishop in an Islamic country...the authorities play dumb. [See video - “People are Sick and Tired of the One-Way Street Tolerance Babble Which You Feed On”]
10. Let's cut the diatribe of the current mindset of wholeheartedly supporting the integration and assimilation of certain Islamic communities, trying to put the blame elsewhere. It doesn't matter how well intended this kind of support is, it is futile to believe that it is worthwhile cause. It must not be a "one-way" street of tolerance, respect and freedom. There are well-organised groups that actually exploit the virtues of the West's tolerance and value for freedom to further the ideological and cultural dominance of their imported societies.
Judge for yourself- straight from the horse's mouth..
See this example: Call to Islam in Piccadilly Circus | Abu Shafi (video link)
1. Any Islamic individual, religious leader or scholar can take advantage of free speech in "the West" to spread their own version of morality, Islamic style. To the uninitiated, the Islamic rulebook and morality is enshrined in the Sharia.
2. It's called freedom of speech when Islamic organisation can widely and freely distribute literature, release press releases, organise conferences and organise protests that promote the superiority of Muslims over others - the non-Muslims, commonly known in the Quran as non-believers. (Otherwise known as kuffar by Muslims themselves).
"religious apartheid"
4. Islam covers both religion and politics, it is hence an ideology. The strict Islamic practices that encompass the Quran, Sunna and Hadiths are to be found in Saudi Arabia or Iran - Islamic theocracies. Imagine the scene if a Christian tried to argue against Abu Shafi, not in Central London but Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. That would an impossible feat to do there as there is no is public practice of other religions other than the Wahabi version of Islam. Certain parts of the Islamic texts actually command believers to hate Christians, Jews, polytheists and other "non-believers".
5. Embedded in Islamic texts is the gratuitous promotion of violence, which often directed at "non-believers". Imams are known to give bigoted, hateful sermons, not only in mosques but also in the media and on the internet. These Islamic scholars are permitted to do so in Western societies, as such societies value freedom and tolerance. It is ironic that to actually point this out can often result in outright denial or being branded racist, bigoted or Islamophobe.
6.There is a complete lack of gratitude and tolerance for other beliefs in Islam. This is evident by the fact that there is an increasing unwillingness by incoming immigrants from Islamic countries to earnestly adapt, try to blend in, sincerely respect and conform to the law, cultures and practices of their new host countries. Think of FGM, it is deemed a traditional religious and cultural practice by many in the Muslim community in the West.
7. Violence, vandalism and dishonesty are the watchword of certain Islamic groups. When confronted with the unsavoury aspects of Islam, particularly the promotion of extreme violence, the message being given - "nothing to see, move along and ignore it" by those in authorities, (politically, religiously or law enforcement/ legal). Trying to refute this is a difficult process, but search on the internet for examples of the placards that are waved at Islamic demonstrations, to get a sense of perspective. No doubt there will be some who freely brandish signs that clearly read “burn and kill the infidels, "death to Jews" etc...
9. Tolerance for non-Muslim culture and practice is paper thin in most of Islamic societies. It is the non-Muslims who are the losers. Imagine the uproar if an Iman was killed in cold blood in a Western countries. When it is happens to a Christian bishop in an Islamic country...the authorities play dumb. [See video - “People are Sick and Tired of the One-Way Street Tolerance Babble Which You Feed On”]
10. Let's cut the diatribe of the current mindset of wholeheartedly supporting the integration and assimilation of certain Islamic communities, trying to put the blame elsewhere. It doesn't matter how well intended this kind of support is, it is futile to believe that it is worthwhile cause. It must not be a "one-way" street of tolerance, respect and freedom. There are well-organised groups that actually exploit the virtues of the West's tolerance and value for freedom to further the ideological and cultural dominance of their imported societies.
Judge for yourself- straight from the horse's mouth..
the uttered word - unbalanced vandalism
Take the example of this recent case of vandalism that took place in Germany.
On the night to Thursday, the Arabic words “Allahu Akbar” were painted on the portals of several churches in the city centre of Augsburg. According to local police, the Cathedral, the Church of St. Maurice and the Protestant Ullrich Church are affected. At the Cathedral both the north and the south portals were painted with white letters. Hard to imagine a mosque would have been affected. Claudia Roth (Member of Parliament for the Green Party) probably would have organized a candlelight vigil in her hometown because of an “Islamophobic attack” and would have called for an alliance against fascism. However, it were churches, and thus, that “little night time graffiti prank” is only worth small footnotes in the newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine (with photos) and the broadcasting centre BR and will soon be forgotten.

(Original in german / Translation: Carpe Diem) - PI
Now take a moment to compare this mindless act of ideological intolerance, so carefully labelled as as a minor affair, a prank, with recent media articles on mosque vandalism.
ABC Australia mosque
US mosque article
The language used is completely different, it is direct and to the point:
- AIR-Philadelphia Executive Director Jacob Bender. "The unfortunately growing promotion of Islamophobia in our society can and does lead to such troubling incidents."
- " The attack has been condemned by local political leaders."
Indeed there is a growing problem of "ignorance is bliss" on the part of local and national authorities, who tend to sweep acts of Islamic inspired acts of aggressiveness under the rug. In many instances, such cases of vandalism, attacks on property and on people gets unreported. Likewise, the origin of the perpetrators are often camouflaged by the media or police under the cover of " south-east Europeans, Asians or Middle Eastern" individuals". It is a case of "don't rock the boat". I fear that this plays directly into the hands of those who espouse this hatred of non-believers, firmly entrenching the mentality of " I can do I whatever I want", " I can get away with it", "I've got my rights covered".
Now please could more people stand for the OTHERS! Why are we allowing an extreme minority to dictate the terms in the name of the rest, (the majority)?
Remember what starts off by minor acts of vandalism, when done in the name of hate and ideology, can grow into something bigger and nastier in nature. We don't have to go far into the history archive to see this.
Let's move away from Europe, aka the West and see what is happening in other parts of the world. Syria - destruction of churches, Nigeria, Tanzania, Egypt... the same is happening, all done in the name of "Allah". If no one in Europe cares a hoot about a simple church, where's the outcry on the mayhem, death and destruction of centuries old places of worships and the worshippers themselves. There is a deafening silence on this. The only event that triggered an international outcry was the explosive demolition of the Bayam Buddhas by the Taliban in Afghanistan. Personally I think it was more of a whimper and a squeak.
Vandalism and destruction of places of worships isn't limited to non-Islamic places. The Wahabi / Salafi mindset, promoted at great length by the Wahabi "hq" called Saudi Arabia is lending itself to the promotion of a greater number acts of destruction of "non-conforming buildings" across the globe, notably Sufi shrines in Libya, Tunisia, Kashmir, Mali and recently in Syria. Why? To quote from an BBC article: "Hardline Salafists regard the shrines as idolatrous." The destruction in Libya was sufficiently serious enough for HRW to issue a press release, where Eric Goldstein from HRW stated the following: “Inaction and impunity can only encourage further attacks.” These words are apt given the inaction and the impunity that is occurring across Europe and the West to a growing trend of not just acts of vandalism but of violence too. It is a systematic trend that is growing month by month and the ripples will be felt more widely and more frequently.
Le Monde, dec12, 2013
"Lydie, une fonctionnaire de haut rang rabaissée au rang de réfugiée dans son propre pays, laisse éclater sa colère et celle-ci vise tous les musulmans. « Ils ne sont pas sociables. Même les enfants amènent des grenades à l'école. Ils veulent exterminer les autochtones que nous sommes. On ne peut pas accepter de vivre avec ces gens qui ont un mauvais esprit. Ils n'ont qu'à partir. » Autour de cette dame bien éduquée, plusieurs hommes acquiescent et promettent un « match retour ».A LIRE les commentaires
1. Histoire multi-séculaire des pillards musulmans du nord venant razzier les paysans sédentaires du sud, autrefois animistes, aujourd'hui chrétiens. Même histoire qu'au Soudan.
In English:
Lydie, a high ranking civil servant. relegated to the rank of refugee in her own country, unleashes her anger and takes aim at all of the Muslims. "They aren't sociable. Even children bring in handgrenades to school. They want to extermine all of the local that we are. We cannot accept living with these people who have a bad spirit. They only have to leave. Around this well-educated lady, several men agree and promise a " return match"
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
BBC whitewashing all Islamic nastiness about Nalanda India
Of course it's supposed to be thereligion.of. Peace (bs)
Here is a typical example of the BBC leaving out some extraordinary facts...
"Nalanda University in northern India drew scholars from all over Asia, surviving for hundreds of years before being destroyed by invaders in 1193
Here is a typical example of the BBC leaving out some extraordinary facts...
"Nalanda University in northern India drew scholars from all over Asia, surviving for hundreds of years before being destroyed by invaders in 1193
This is from the BBC about the reemergence of a very ancient university, based on Buddhism. No mention who invaded and destroyed the highly advanced centre of learning. This the BBC quote in full:
"Nalanda University in northern India drew scholars from all over Asia, surviving for hundreds of years before being destroyed by invaders in 1193"
Well it turns that it was destroyed by a raider Islamic army, who imposed Islam and quite amazingly was a period of the highest amount of conversions to Islam and mosque building. You wouldn't even get a hint of this from the BBC article.
Quote from the wiki entry: (
"Nalanda was ransacked and destroyed by an army underBakhtiyar Khilji in 1193. The great library of Nalanda University was so vast that it is reported to have burned for three months after the invaders set fire to it, ransacked and destroyed the monasteries, and drove the monks from the site."
"The Persian historian Minhaj-i-Siraj, in his chronicle the Tabaqat-I-Nasiri, reported that thousands of monks were burned alive and thousands beheaded as Khilji tried his best to uproot Buddhism[13] the burning of the library continued for several months and "smoke from the burning manuscripts hung for days like a dark pall over the low hills."[14]
In fact it was so disastrous that it ceased to be a centre of learning until now!!!!
Syrian madness
"While willing to engage with the rebels, Canada is among the few western governments refusing to recognize the opposition rebel coalition as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.
"Our strong concern has been, and continues to be, the number of radical jihadists that have entered parts of the opposition and, in our view, that's not getting better. It is, in fact, getting worse," Baird said.
The UK and France committed to only supplying arms to "moderate" factions within the opposition. Still, the decision to allow the arms embargo to expire came after 12 hours of intense debate among EU member states...."
What moderates? A bit like trying to find a needle in a haystack. And what's to say that these arms don't fall into the hands of less so moderately inclined groups brandishing black flags and imposing the full version of sharia law.
Is there any way that an arm can distinguish a bad guy, the enemy from a civilian.
This is sheer madness
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Umar rules for Christian Dhiminis
In return for “safety for ourselves, children, property and
followers of our religion”
The Christians will not:
Build “a monastery, church, or a sanctuary for a monk”;
“Restore any place of worship that needs restoration”;
Use such places “for the purpose of enmity against Muslims”;
“Allow a spy against Muslims into our churches and homes or
hide deceit [or betrayal] against Muslims”;
Imitate the Muslims’ “clothing, caps, turbans, sandals,
hairstyles, speech, nicknames and title names”;
“Ride on saddles,
hang swords on the shoulders, collect weapons of any kind or carry these
“Encrypt our stamps in Arabic”
“Sell liquor”
“Teach our children the Qur’an”;
“Publicize practices of Shirk” – that is, associating
partners with Allah, such as regarding Jesus as Son of God. In other words,
Christian and other non-Muslim religious practice will be private, if not
downright furtive;
Build “crosses on the outside of our churches and
demonstrating them and our books in public in Muslim fairways and markets” –
again, Christian worship must not be public, where Muslims can see it and
become annoyed;
“Sound the bells in our churches, except discreetly, or
raise our voices while reciting our holy books inside our churches in the
presence of Muslims, nor raise our voices [with prayer] at our funerals, or
light torches in funeral processions in the fairways of Muslims, or their
“Bury our dead next to Muslim dead”;
“Buy servants who were captured by Muslims”;
“Invite anyone to Shirk” – that is, proselytize, although
the Christians also agree not to:
“Prevent any of our fellows from embracing Islam, if they
choose to do so.” Thus the Christians can be the objects of proselytizing, but
must not engage in it themselves;
“Beat any Muslim.”
Meanwhile, Christians must obey the following; if not, they
could be killed:
Allow Muslims to rest “in our churches whether they come by
day or night”;
“Open the doors [of our houses of worship] for the wayfarer
and passerby”;
Provide board and food for “those Muslims who come as
guests” for three days;
“Respect Muslims, move from the places we sit in if they
choose to sit in them”
“Have the front of our hair cut, wear our customary clothes
wherever we are, wear belts around our waist” – these are so that a Muslim
recognizes a non-Muslim as such and doesn’t make the mistake of greeting him
with As-salaamu aleikum, “Peace be upon you,” which is the Muslim greeting for
a fellow Muslim;
“Be guides for Muslims and refrain from breaching their
privacy in their homes.”
The Christians swore: “If we break any of these promises
that we set for your benefit against ourselves, then our Dhimmah (promise of
protection) is broken and you are allowed to do with us what you are allowed of
people of defiance and rebellion.”
Muhammad declared that the dhimmi cannot walk on the same
road as the Muslim.
“Do not initiate the Salam [greeting of peace] to the Jews and Christians, and if you meet any of them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.”
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